Embrace Today
When you were a child do you remember wishes that you were older? It didn’t seem fair that other children could do things that you wanted to do. Your parents might promise that the day would come when you would be able to have a later curfew, go out alone or even make choices that they were presently making for you.
As a teenager, perhaps you dreamed of the day when you would have a driver’s license, graduate from school and a car establish a career and family of your own.
Newlyweds often think about buying a house, having children and enjoying interesting holidays in places they have only read about.
Time marches on and thoughts turn to retirement. What if you could just golf every day, sleep in and visit family members during the day while still having an income?
And when it comes to seniors, I often hear from people who are looking forward to transitioning to heaven.
I remember when my grandpa, who had a wonderful attitude, told me that he was like an old reaper, and they could no longer get the parts to repair him! He looked forward to being with grandma and God so welcomed death.
Unfortunately, many people are so busy wishing and hoping that they had “something” laid out for a future time, that they aren’t able to enjoy the present. They feel out of control and are resentful that things aren’t going “the way they should”.
What blessings are you ignoring because your mind is focused on what you don’t have instead of what you do have right now?
Are you so stressed about finances that you don’t take advantage of the things that are priceless – like the beautiful outdoors, friendships and freedom?
Do you yearn for expensive items when your home is filled with unread books, hobbies that are covered with dust and kitchens bursting with ingredients just waiting to be creatively made into delicious recipes?
Are you thinking that you need to take a trip in order to be happy? Perhaps a short drive to a provincial park with a picnic basket will bring even greater joy than crowded airports, long delays and physical change.
Sometimes we can feel alone in a crowd, stressed by loved ones who just think a little differently, and impoverished when surrounded by luxury,
When clients tell me that they are unhappy, they usually are referring to a state of mind that they can actually control. Unfortunately, they have a habit of focusing on losses and what they don’t have instead of on their blessings and what they do have right at their fingertips.
We cannot make other people happy, and they cannot make us happy. Happiness is a choice that each of us makes for ourselves.
Over the years I have worked with people who were in Stage 4 of cancer who smiled and inspired those around them. Others had good health, were surrounded with plenty and yet adopted and displayed negative, ungrateful perspectives.
This week think about your attitude. Do you curse your situation or embrace it with thanksgiving? What can you do to improve it?
Life is a series of choices. Make good ones!