
Dr. Linda Hancock provides a comprehensive range of assessment, therapy, collaboration, consultation, teaching and training services.
Clients include children and adolescents, adults and elderly. They are seen individually, as couples, families or groups. As well, organizations frequently request that Dr. Hancock provide motivational, educational or therapeutic sessions for their employees or public forums.
Over the past years, Dr. Hancock has worked in several branches of psychology including:
-as a Mental Health Consultant in the Student Health Partnership assigned to work in elementary schools
-as a Psychologist in a Mental Health Clinic assigned to work in three high schools
-as a teacher in College and University settings (Addictions and Criminal Justice degree programs)
-as a Mental Health Consultant in the Student Health Partnership (working with children and adolescents)
-as a Psychologist in a Mental Health Clinic (working with children/adolescents, families, adults, groups and organizations)
-as a private practitioner offering a full range of services
-as a Psychologist who has provided reports for the Court involving Risk/Threat assessment, mental health diagnosis and Court-directed parental conflict intervention services.
-as member of the Alberta Round Table on Family Law and Single Trial Court System consultation team
-as member of the Divorce Coach Steering Committee and Co-Chair of the Association of Collaborative Professionals of Medicine Hat
-as a therapist for Collaborative Divorce Practice cases
-as active member of the International Academy of Collaborative Practice
-as co-author of a paper and presenter at a Forum of the International Academy of Collaborative Practice
-as participant in a number of workshops (such as the Youth Justice Act, Risk/Threat Assessment, Forensic Psychiatric Assessment, Street Drugs, Child and Youth Family Enhancement Act)
-as Athabasca University instructor in the Criminal Justice degree program
-as a student of Dr. Jon Amundson, Forensic Psychologist in Calgary
-trained as an “Expert Expert Witness” by Stanley Brodsky
-as a Mental Health Consultant in the Student Health Partnership program
-as a Psychologist in a Mental Health Clinic
-as a Psychologist in private practise
-as a collaborator with practitioners working with various illnesses, pain and infertility
-as a Psychologist working with Insurance and Employee Plans to help individuals attain personal, social and career goals
-as a Psychologist providing assessment and treatment services
-as a consultant working with conflict-resolution, debriefing or specific requests
-as an educator for workshops and training seminars
-as a motivational speaker
Dr. Hancock has also been a liaison for professionals in international settings across the United States, Jamaica and Mexico. She has supervised students, been a mentor and coach and served on various boards and committees at local, provincial and national levels. As well, she is a program developer and communicates well as a motivational speaker, entertainer and writer.
Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (C-SAT)
Certified Multiple Addiction Therapist (CMAT)