Environmental Issues Can Hurt Your Business
Dr. Linda HancockAir, earth and water are all vital for our survival. At times, however, these are tampered with or become aggressors that not only hurt the environment but also affect the businesses in the region. Following are some examples of environmental difficulties that have affected countries and the world economy in the past few years:
1. The hurricane and oil spill in New Orleans - Many people will not be able to remove horrible images of the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina that they saw on television from their minds. Death and destruction crippled an area that had been well-known for attracting tourists because of the unique culture in the area. Just when the clean-up was starting to progress, however, the BP oil spill occurred and then wildlife and the fishing industry for an even larger area was harmed.
2. The tsunami in India - There was no warning that the country of India was going to experience a devastating tsunami. In fact, until this occurred, there were many people who had never even heard the word knew about this type of environment phenomena.
3. The tsunami, earthquake and nuclear problems in Japan - Recently, Japan has suffered blow after blow. First came the tsunami which was followed by a severe earthquake and several damaging aftershocks. Then the nuclear reactor area which scientists and politicians had stated was safe for residents became unsafe. The people of Japan have been financially, physically and emotionally devastated.
4. The winter conditions across the United States - Blizzards of the 2011 winter prevented individuals from leaving their homes and businesses for days at a time. Many died when they were unable to receive medical treatment or emergency services due to snow that blocked the paths of responders.
Every day the news relays details of tornadoes, smog, wind storms, hail damage as well as other environmental conditions that not only affect the residents of an area but also do significant damage to businesses. When these occur, revenue is lost but money is also required to fund clean up operations.
It is important to remember, however, that sometimes there are businesses that do well because of the environmental conditions that are reeking havoc on others. Safety supplies, water bottlers, portable housing unit manufacturers and food producers are needed to help the people who have been left homeless or injured. Building supplies are also needed to replace the communities that were destroyed.
Generally speaking, however, pollution and violent weather conditions can hurt business endeavors in an extremely short period of time and there is really nothing that you can do about it if you are in the path of destruction.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6143348