How to Have a Good Day!
Dr. Linda HancockToday I was the guest speaker for the Multiple Sclerosis Lunch and Learn group. The ten guests and caregivers stated that they appreciated the following article which I gave them as a handout.
A thought to ponder for each day of the month:
1. Plan to have a good day - mix decision and determination
2. Be kind to yourself - be your own best friend
3. Go outside in the morning - but not in the direct sunlight
4. Trust yourself - you know what works and what doesn't work for you better than anyone else
5. Schedule things according to when you have more energy (morning, afternoon or evening)
6. Avoid getting into a "blame game" (that just makes you unattractive - even to yourself)
7. Focus on what you CAN do rather than on what you CAN'T do
8. Find tools and equipment that work - grabber, wheelchair (motorized), bars, lowered kitchen counters, or something as simple as a board with nail on it to hold the potato for peeling
9. Hire staff if needed for personal or home care duties (that's what the Obamas do)
10. Apply for grants and income supplements (example: my sister had an accountant file for CPP benefits for her)
11. Experiment with non-traditional ideas (Is caffeine harmful or helpful?)
12. Enjoy time watching a pet or animal (Elk, cats, dogs, birds)
13. Use your skills (Can you organize activities, make phone calls, write articles, encourage others?)
14. Keep your communication networks strong (other people need you in their lives)
15. Learn unique ways to have some fun (internet, computer games, or email can create laughter)
16. Always have something to look forward to (a visit, a celebration, a good audio book)
17. Establish a routine and honour it
18. Avoid overwhelming yourself with anything (expectations, work, visits, outings)
19. Learn to say "No" when it is a healthy choice (not because you are angry or afraid)
20. Be honest with others and tell them your limits in order to protect yourself (example: don't call between 2pm and 4pm as it is nap time and bedtime is at 9pm)
21. Ask for help when you need it (others need opportunities to give and use their gifts)
22. Control temperature (heat is horrible so avoid hot baths or blankets just out of the dryer)
23. Be creative (example: if you lose your taste, fill up on milkshakes)
24. Make your doctor your best friend (you are the best physician but s/he is your partner)
25. Be careful of scams (some people make money from honest people who trust them)
26. Protect your relationship with your best supports (your family is likely not the "the enemy")
27. Memorize the MS Society telephone number and use it (they have "heard it all" and researched "it" or are willing to do so)
28. Get a good sleep every night (at least 8 hours)
29. Give thanks every day for one person, situation or thing in your life
30. Live in the moment (but never give up hope for a better tomorrow)
31. Think positive - you always have control of your thoughts!