Things You Probably Shouldn't Give on Valentine's Day
Gift-giving can be a tricky business. Often we go shopping with thoughts of what we would like instead of what would be most suitable for the recipient. Be careful. There are so many things that just might not be appropriate such as:
1. Really sexy lingerie (I have been told by other women that they believe men buy this for themselves!)
2. Gym memberships or self-help program registration for a man who is out of shape (unless this is what he has been clearly asking for)
3. Anything that you just can't afford (or have to put on a credit card)
4. A card that has a message that you really don't feel or believe
5. A crockpot, blender, vacuum or anything for the "house" (you need to be more personal)
6. A holiday trip to renew your vows (especially if you have been having relationship problems lately that the other person might not feel are resolved)
7. Nothing for someone who you really do care about
8. Chocolates (for someone who is trying to lose weight)
9. Alcohol or drugs (if you really care, you won't want them to do poorly)
10. Anything for a person who you really don't want to lead on (things can be misinterpreted so easily)
On the other hand, here are several things that are great to give at Valentine's Day:
1. Kind words at the beginning of the day (you might not even need a gift or plan if you do this right!)
2. A special meal that you cooked yourself
3. Something that you know the other person has been really wanting for a long time
4. Promises of future commitment
You see, Valentine's Day is really not about you. It is about the other person so it is important to plan something that the other person will treasure on that day and for years to come!