We All Have Troubles!
Dr. Linda HancockThere once was a young boy whose mother died when he was nine years of age. His older brother had previously died in infancy. The boy and his sister were left to look after each other for some time while his father went to another area to seek a wife.
This boy and his father had relationship problems serious enough that he did not attend his father's funeral when he died.
The boy didn't have more than a few years of schooling.
When he was 7 years of age he was saved from drowning and at 10 years of age was kicked and almost killed by a horse.
He was taunted and ridiculed about his physical appearance.
His mental health was poor. In fact, he suffered from depression and had at least two nervous breakdowns. At times he was put under a suicide watch because his friends feared for his life.
He failed in business, changed careers frequently and was penniless for much of his life.
The 22 year old woman to whom he was unofficially engaged died and he was heart-broken.
He was engaged to a woman and followed through with his commitment to her even though he had fallen in love with another woman - but only after their engagement was broken once.
The sister, with whom he was so close, died in childbirth, when she was still a young woman.
His second child died at four years of age.
The first time he ran for public office he lost.
His ideas were opposed by many public figures.
On April 14, 1865 he was assassinated.
This man was Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States of America.
In December I stood in Washington DC at the beautiful monument that is a tribute to this person. How amazed I was to read his story and see how far he had come from a small log cabin through serious life problems to a place of honour and respect in the eyes of the world.
Everyone has problems! Sometimes they hinder our progress and sometimes they help us to grow. Lincoln is a testimony to the fact that it's not what happens to us, it's how we handle it that is important!
When you are experiencing troubles talking with a Registered Psychologist will help you to deal with them and move on to a place that might not otherwise be reached.