
How Are You?
So often people ask, "How are you?" and we automatically reply "Fine" when we really don't mean it. It has become such a habit that we aren't really being honest...
How Are You?
So often people ask, "How are you?" and we automatically reply "Fine" when we really don't mean it. It has become such a habit that we aren't really being honest...

Don't Forget to Remember
Often I hear people complain about not being able to remember the way that they expect they should. They seem frustrated, embarrassed and angry about the fact that they forget...
Don't Forget to Remember
Often I hear people complain about not being able to remember the way that they expect they should. They seem frustrated, embarrassed and angry about the fact that they forget...

Here Comes the Tiger!
If the door opened right now and a big ferocious tiger wandered in, what would you do? There are three basic responses that people might choose: RUN - Some...
Here Comes the Tiger!
If the door opened right now and a big ferocious tiger wandered in, what would you do? There are three basic responses that people might choose: RUN - Some...

Filling the Hopper
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines the word hopper as: "a usually funnel-shaped receptacle for delivering material (as grain or coal); or any of various other receptacles for the temporary storage of material". Farmers usually...
Filling the Hopper
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines the word hopper as: "a usually funnel-shaped receptacle for delivering material (as grain or coal); or any of various other receptacles for the temporary storage of material". Farmers usually...

One Summer
David Baldacci is a bestselling author who has published in more than 45 languages and 80 countries. "One Summer" is the beautifully told story of a four-generational family who have...
One Summer
David Baldacci is a bestselling author who has published in more than 45 languages and 80 countries. "One Summer" is the beautifully told story of a four-generational family who have...

Is Your Perception Accurate?
My younger sister has had Multiple Sclerosis for about three decades. Her health has declined so that she has been in a wheelchair for the past eleven years. In August...
Is Your Perception Accurate?
My younger sister has had Multiple Sclerosis for about three decades. Her health has declined so that she has been in a wheelchair for the past eleven years. In August...

Adjustment Disorder
A few years ago I was in Seattle and was surprised to learn that the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks which were built in 1911 are second largest in size after...
Adjustment Disorder
A few years ago I was in Seattle and was surprised to learn that the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks which were built in 1911 are second largest in size after...

Your Child Is Now An Adult
So many parents come to me for advice regarding their adult children. Following are a few of the areas that can cause confusion and problems: FINANCES - Once your child...
Your Child Is Now An Adult
So many parents come to me for advice regarding their adult children. Following are a few of the areas that can cause confusion and problems: FINANCES - Once your child...

Thanksgiving - Yesterday and Today
Because Thanksgiving has always been an important part of my life, I sometimes forget that other countries do not recognize the holiday. The reason why, of course, is because Thanksgiving...
Thanksgiving - Yesterday and Today
Because Thanksgiving has always been an important part of my life, I sometimes forget that other countries do not recognize the holiday. The reason why, of course, is because Thanksgiving...

Things I Wish People Could Do
Lately I have come across so many situations where I just expected people to be able to do things and found out that they have never learned this particular skill....
Things I Wish People Could Do
Lately I have come across so many situations where I just expected people to be able to do things and found out that they have never learned this particular skill....

The Miracle of The Harvest
In the fall, farmers and gardeners gather in the grain and produce that they have been looking forward to for months. Preparations are made for storage so that they can...
The Miracle of The Harvest
In the fall, farmers and gardeners gather in the grain and produce that they have been looking forward to for months. Preparations are made for storage so that they can...

A King Is Born!
Over the past few weeks there has been a great deal of excitement and all eyes have been on Britain as people around the world have waited for Catherine...
A King Is Born!
Over the past few weeks there has been a great deal of excitement and all eyes have been on Britain as people around the world have waited for Catherine...

Dealing with Crisis
It was five in the morning and thankfully I had received lots of rest on the weekend. A message flashed on my computer screen and I learned that my sister...
Dealing with Crisis
It was five in the morning and thankfully I had received lots of rest on the weekend. A message flashed on my computer screen and I learned that my sister...
Getting Ready for School
It's only a short time until the fall semester begins for you and your children. There are some things that you can do right now, however, that will help everyone...
Getting Ready for School
It's only a short time until the fall semester begins for you and your children. There are some things that you can do right now, however, that will help everyone...

What Really Matters When It Comes to Living?
My aunt lived in a fairly large house that had a basement suite and it was full of furniture and personal possessions. When she was older and ended up in...
What Really Matters When It Comes to Living?
My aunt lived in a fairly large house that had a basement suite and it was full of furniture and personal possessions. When she was older and ended up in...

The Power Of Music!
The other night I was watching a program on television, referred to as the "British Invasion" that featured music and original artists from the 1960s. I was actually quite surprised...
The Power Of Music!
The other night I was watching a program on television, referred to as the "British Invasion" that featured music and original artists from the 1960s. I was actually quite surprised...

Trying to Remember
It just seems that there is so much to remember these days. I really don't think that I can blame age (or don't want to) because there is an excess...
Trying to Remember
It just seems that there is so much to remember these days. I really don't think that I can blame age (or don't want to) because there is an excess...
Be Mine
Laura Kasischke is the author of four novels and six poetry collections. This fictional work takes the reader into the very intimate thoughts of its main character, Sherry, who is...
Be Mine
Laura Kasischke is the author of four novels and six poetry collections. This fictional work takes the reader into the very intimate thoughts of its main character, Sherry, who is...
Boring Is Good
We live in a society that seems to be performance and crisis driven. Everyone I talk with seems to be tired and when asked "How are you?" replies with "I've...
Boring Is Good
We live in a society that seems to be performance and crisis driven. Everyone I talk with seems to be tired and when asked "How are you?" replies with "I've...

Who Lives on Your Shoulder?
Many years ago, I had a client who had been involved in a very traumatic incident at work. Because of this, she was horribly afraid of the idea of ever...
Who Lives on Your Shoulder?
Many years ago, I had a client who had been involved in a very traumatic incident at work. Because of this, she was horribly afraid of the idea of ever...