Gratitude and Blessings
Dr. Linda Hancock
This morning I met an older lady in the elevator and she began a little conversation about where we were going. I stated "I'm off to work" and with a big smile she replied "That's good. You get paid for that, don't you?" I couldn't help but smile back.
Then, just before getting off at her floor she said "At least I can get up, walk and do things".
What a good attitude!
It reminded me of the importance of being thankful for the little things.
So many people complain about HAVING to work or about their jobs. Some are unhappy about doing exercise or think that returning phone calls to family and friends is a chore.
Well, my sister has been trapped in a body by Multiple Sclerosis for several years and there are so many things that she wishes that she could do - like walk to the bathroom - and then be able to sit on the toilet without help! Things that we take for granted are often impossible tasks for others who only wish they could do them.
On Monday, my youngest granddaughter was in the city and I took her parents and her out to a restaurant to celebrate her seventh birthday. The server brought her a piece of cheesecake with one flickering candle. There weren't any other guests or gifts to open. No party games, clowns, jumping castles or special entertainers. Just one little flickering candle, her parents and grandma. With large eyes and a big smile, Mikaeli leaned over, gave me a warm hug and said "This is the very best day of my whole life!"
I was shocked!
Then her mother told me that she had said exactly the same thing the day before.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if every single day of your life was the very best one of your whole life? Perhaps it is and you just don't realize it!
It is very difficult to be bitter or upset if your heart is filled with gratitude. And it doesn't take winning the lottery, a holiday in the Caribbean or receiving the "Citizen of the Year" award to be thankful.
It just takes a few minutes of commitment to acknowledge the little things that you enjoy on a daily basis. Like the ability to walk to the bathroom and sit on the toilet without help. Or the encouraging words of a stranger in an elevator. Or the fact that we can go for a walk in the outdoors. Or that we have work to do and the ability to earn a day's pay.
Are the problems in your life ones that come from your environment or are they ones that come from your attitude?
Perhaps it is time to count your blessings and, like Mikaeli, recognize and then state that this truly is the very best day of your whole life!
And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to a complimentary list of 10 Steps to Making Your Life an Adventure when you visit http://lindahancock.com
From Dr. Linda Hancock, Registered Psychologist and Registered Social Worker