Fear Can Hurt Your Business
I often tell clients that fear forms the bars of our own cages. When we are afraid, we tend not to take risks. This can hurt your business in a...
Fear Can Hurt Your Business
I often tell clients that fear forms the bars of our own cages. When we are afraid, we tend not to take risks. This can hurt your business in a...
Immaturity Can Hurt Your Business
A person who is mature takes responsibility for things even when it isn't convenient or easy for them. On the other hand, the immature individual tends to ignore or partially...
Immaturity Can Hurt Your Business
A person who is mature takes responsibility for things even when it isn't convenient or easy for them. On the other hand, the immature individual tends to ignore or partially...
Eating Choices Can Hurt Your Business
Some people think that eating is just something that they need to do in order to survive. Others treat food as a wonderful activity of amazing delicacies and ambiance which...
Eating Choices Can Hurt Your Business
Some people think that eating is just something that they need to do in order to survive. Others treat food as a wonderful activity of amazing delicacies and ambiance which...
Lack of Medical and Dental Care Can Hurt Your B...
I have heard people theorize that the reason men tend to die at a younger age than women is because they do not take care of their health. Many men...
Lack of Medical and Dental Care Can Hurt Your B...
I have heard people theorize that the reason men tend to die at a younger age than women is because they do not take care of their health. Many men...
Lack of Fun Can Hurt Your Business
Working in a business can be very hard work. There are times that stress can wear you down. Even your clients will likely feel the effects of an environment that...
Lack of Fun Can Hurt Your Business
Working in a business can be very hard work. There are times that stress can wear you down. Even your clients will likely feel the effects of an environment that...
Ignoring Family Can Hurt Your Business
A family is usually the most important support group that a person has in life and the one that is with us longer than any other set of friends or...
Ignoring Family Can Hurt Your Business
A family is usually the most important support group that a person has in life and the one that is with us longer than any other set of friends or...
Lack of Professional Development Can Hurt Your ...
Imagine what it would be like if you were required to do all your paperwork with only the use of a quill pen, ink well and coal oil lamp. You...
Lack of Professional Development Can Hurt Your ...
Imagine what it would be like if you were required to do all your paperwork with only the use of a quill pen, ink well and coal oil lamp. You...
Not Having Standards or Ethics Can Hurt Your Bu...
Ethics are general principles that a person or individual uses to determine what is right or wrong in a situation. They are based on the values that the held by...
Not Having Standards or Ethics Can Hurt Your Bu...
Ethics are general principles that a person or individual uses to determine what is right or wrong in a situation. They are based on the values that the held by...
Sleep Problems Can Hurt Your Business
I tell my clients that I am very much like a baby. If I don't eat or sleep - I cry! Some people claim that they do not get enough...
Sleep Problems Can Hurt Your Business
I tell my clients that I am very much like a baby. If I don't eat or sleep - I cry! Some people claim that they do not get enough...
Excessive Time Indoors Can Hurt Your Business
Days can go by without my feet touching dirt or grass. You see I live in a condo and the parking is underground. I go down on an elevator and...
Excessive Time Indoors Can Hurt Your Business
Days can go by without my feet touching dirt or grass. You see I live in a condo and the parking is underground. I go down on an elevator and...
Not Understanding People Can Hurt Your Business
Sometimes people ask me how I know so much about people or why I am able to "predict" what will happen next in a relationship. Well, there are many things...
Not Understanding People Can Hurt Your Business
Sometimes people ask me how I know so much about people or why I am able to "predict" what will happen next in a relationship. Well, there are many things...
Not Having A Plan Can Hurt Your Business
Let's imagine that you have invited twenty people for Thanksgiving dinner but don't have a plan as to how you will prepare for them. How successful do you think your...
Not Having A Plan Can Hurt Your Business
Let's imagine that you have invited twenty people for Thanksgiving dinner but don't have a plan as to how you will prepare for them. How successful do you think your...
Ignorance Can Hurt Your Business
In the 1940s Abraham Maslow developed a theory of "The Four Stages of Learning" which was progressive in nature meaning that one had to complete the first step before they...
Ignorance Can Hurt Your Business
In the 1940s Abraham Maslow developed a theory of "The Four Stages of Learning" which was progressive in nature meaning that one had to complete the first step before they...
Lack of Technology and Automation Can Hurt Your...
I remember way back in the eighties when I took a university course thinking that perhaps someday there might be computers in the workplace. I wanted to be ready for...
Lack of Technology and Automation Can Hurt Your...
I remember way back in the eighties when I took a university course thinking that perhaps someday there might be computers in the workplace. I wanted to be ready for...
Making Mistakes That Steal Your Time Can Hurt Y...
It's easy to make a mistake. It's when you make the same mistake over and over again that you need to very seriously make some changes. You see mistakes can...
Making Mistakes That Steal Your Time Can Hurt Y...
It's easy to make a mistake. It's when you make the same mistake over and over again that you need to very seriously make some changes. You see mistakes can...
Narrow-Mindedness Can Hurt Your Business
We all know people who state that there is only one way to do something. They are not open to new ideas and therefore continue to do things the same...
Narrow-Mindedness Can Hurt Your Business
We all know people who state that there is only one way to do something. They are not open to new ideas and therefore continue to do things the same...
Lack of Training Can Hurt Your Business
This morning I went for my annual mammogram. The technician was amazing! She knew exactly how to get me into the right position with the least amount of effort. I...
Lack of Training Can Hurt Your Business
This morning I went for my annual mammogram. The technician was amazing! She knew exactly how to get me into the right position with the least amount of effort. I...
Isolation Can Hurt Your Business
Sometime solo professionals get so focussed on the thing that they are doing that they isolate themselves from others. They do not do research to learn about new strategies or...
Isolation Can Hurt Your Business
Sometime solo professionals get so focussed on the thing that they are doing that they isolate themselves from others. They do not do research to learn about new strategies or...
Terrible Communication Can Hurt Your Business
Have you ever played the "whisper game"? One person thinks of a word or phrase and then whispers it to the person next to him or her. That person then...
Terrible Communication Can Hurt Your Business
Have you ever played the "whisper game"? One person thinks of a word or phrase and then whispers it to the person next to him or her. That person then...
Lack of Apology Can Hurt Your Business
Sometimes, as professionals, we forget to use good manners. We might offend someone or just do something that is a little inconsiderate and then refuse to acknowledge how the person...
Lack of Apology Can Hurt Your Business
Sometimes, as professionals, we forget to use good manners. We might offend someone or just do something that is a little inconsiderate and then refuse to acknowledge how the person...