
Psychological Defense Mechanisms
Sometimes coping with the reality of life can be overwhelming. A healthy person may use defenses to get through difficult times. Using them persistently, rigidly or for the wrong reason,...
Psychological Defense Mechanisms
Sometimes coping with the reality of life can be overwhelming. A healthy person may use defenses to get through difficult times. Using them persistently, rigidly or for the wrong reason,...

Ten Don'ts for Great Relationships
Sometimes people are doing a lot of things right but are still unhappy in their relationships. Following are ten things that I recommend you DON'T do: Make Assumptions - Just...
Ten Don'ts for Great Relationships
Sometimes people are doing a lot of things right but are still unhappy in their relationships. Following are ten things that I recommend you DON'T do: Make Assumptions - Just...

Good Health Requires Planning!
Michelle Obama is taking on several projects that might not be expected from a First Lady. The first spring that she and her family were in the White House she...
Good Health Requires Planning!
Michelle Obama is taking on several projects that might not be expected from a First Lady. The first spring that she and her family were in the White House she...

Time and Money
I once heard a wise older man say "When it comes to time and money - you can't have both. You either have money and no time or time and...
Time and Money
I once heard a wise older man say "When it comes to time and money - you can't have both. You either have money and no time or time and...
A Bird's Eye View!
One of my clients who has a disability never leaves her house except to come to her appointments with me. I asked her what she does with all the hours...
A Bird's Eye View!
One of my clients who has a disability never leaves her house except to come to her appointments with me. I asked her what she does with all the hours...

Valentine's Day For Singles
A few years ago, I had dinner with a couple who had just immigrated to Canada from China. One of the questions that I asked them was to name their...
Valentine's Day For Singles
A few years ago, I had dinner with a couple who had just immigrated to Canada from China. One of the questions that I asked them was to name their...

January Stressors - How Can You Handle Feelings...
It's my "busy season"! In January, the credit card statements arrive revealing any impulsive Christmas buying that occurred. Couples who didn't want to ruin things for the children during the...
January Stressors - How Can You Handle Feelings...
It's my "busy season"! In January, the credit card statements arrive revealing any impulsive Christmas buying that occurred. Couples who didn't want to ruin things for the children during the...

If You Don't Like Your Life Reinvent Yourself!
A few years ago, I went with a couple of friends on a trip... One day, as we walked down a Victoria street one of them said "Linda, you are...
If You Don't Like Your Life Reinvent Yourself!
A few years ago, I went with a couple of friends on a trip... One day, as we walked down a Victoria street one of them said "Linda, you are...

New Year's Resolutions - Can You Finish What Yo...
It's a new year and everywhere we turn there are articles and conversation about resolutions. A resolution is a promise that you make to yourself. Usually the promise involves deliberate...
New Year's Resolutions - Can You Finish What Yo...
It's a new year and everywhere we turn there are articles and conversation about resolutions. A resolution is a promise that you make to yourself. Usually the promise involves deliberate...

Three Mistakes That People Make With Their Money
I think I've heard it all when it comes to money. When people state that they are unhappy with their financial situation, I know that their problems likely fall into...
Three Mistakes That People Make With Their Money
I think I've heard it all when it comes to money. When people state that they are unhappy with their financial situation, I know that their problems likely fall into...
Your Loss When You Argue with Your Child!
This past month I have spent two weeks with my children and six grandchildren. For one of those weeks I was the sole caregiver for my 15 year old and...
Your Loss When You Argue with Your Child!
This past month I have spent two weeks with my children and six grandchildren. For one of those weeks I was the sole caregiver for my 15 year old and...
Your Benefit Plan - Use it Or Lose It!
Sometimes people complain about not having enough benefits and then don't use the ones that they have. Most employers are aware of the fact that employees who have personal or...
Your Benefit Plan - Use it Or Lose It!
Sometimes people complain about not having enough benefits and then don't use the ones that they have. Most employers are aware of the fact that employees who have personal or...

How to Have a Good Day!
Today I was the guest speaker for the Multiple Sclerosis Lunch and Learn group. The ten guests and caregivers stated that they appreciated the following article which I gave them...
How to Have a Good Day!
Today I was the guest speaker for the Multiple Sclerosis Lunch and Learn group. The ten guests and caregivers stated that they appreciated the following article which I gave them...

I Hate My Mother In Law!
As the Christmas season approaches each year, I begin hearing clients tell tales of past disappointing holidays, resulting resentments and their fears about the upcoming family gathering. Most of the...
I Hate My Mother In Law!
As the Christmas season approaches each year, I begin hearing clients tell tales of past disappointing holidays, resulting resentments and their fears about the upcoming family gathering. Most of the...

The Best Christmas Yet!
What would have to happen to make this the best Christmas yet for: A hungry child in Africa Someone who just lost a job An adolescent who has run away...
The Best Christmas Yet!
What would have to happen to make this the best Christmas yet for: A hungry child in Africa Someone who just lost a job An adolescent who has run away...
Joe Biden - Promises to Keep
This 2007 book published by Random House 2007 is not only a personal biography but also a chronicle of political events during Senator Joe Biden's life before he became Vice-President...
Joe Biden - Promises to Keep
This 2007 book published by Random House 2007 is not only a personal biography but also a chronicle of political events during Senator Joe Biden's life before he became Vice-President...
If Life is a Game, These Are the Rules
Cherie Carter-Scott, has worked with over 200,000 individuals worldwide over the past twenty-five years. Her work as a trainer and consultant has included teaching those individuals what she terms "The...
If Life is a Game, These Are the Rules
Cherie Carter-Scott, has worked with over 200,000 individuals worldwide over the past twenty-five years. Her work as a trainer and consultant has included teaching those individuals what she terms "The...
True Compass - Edward M Kennedy - A Memoir
Apparently Teddy Kennedy's published book arrived at his home the day that he died. It seems rather poignant that the memoir which chronicles his life of seventy-seven years would have...
True Compass - Edward M Kennedy - A Memoir
Apparently Teddy Kennedy's published book arrived at his home the day that he died. It seems rather poignant that the memoir which chronicles his life of seventy-seven years would have...

The Invasion of Social Media into Our Lives
Just when you think that you have upgraded your computer and know how to make it work for you, there is something new in technology world. And with it comes...
The Invasion of Social Media into Our Lives
Just when you think that you have upgraded your computer and know how to make it work for you, there is something new in technology world. And with it comes...

Are Your Boundaries Healthy Ones?
Building relationships with other people is a complex process. Over the years I have noticed that individuals fall into one of three very different categories based on the boundaries that...
Are Your Boundaries Healthy Ones?
Building relationships with other people is a complex process. Over the years I have noticed that individuals fall into one of three very different categories based on the boundaries that...