The Psychology of Money and Personal Finance
The people who tend to complain about money seem to fall into three categories. There are those who don't have any, those who spend more than they earn and those...
The Psychology of Money and Personal Finance
The people who tend to complain about money seem to fall into three categories. There are those who don't have any, those who spend more than they earn and those...
Self-Talk - What Style of Music Does Your Self-...
My dad used to say that he always knew who was at home when he arrived. If he smelled something cooking he knew it was my sister, Debbie. If he...
Self-Talk - What Style of Music Does Your Self-...
My dad used to say that he always knew who was at home when he arrived. If he smelled something cooking he knew it was my sister, Debbie. If he...
Life Is an Adventure
I was born into a family of story-tellers and therefore have had built-in role-modeling and audiences since I was a small child. Some of my best memories include bedtime stories,...
Life Is an Adventure
I was born into a family of story-tellers and therefore have had built-in role-modeling and audiences since I was a small child. Some of my best memories include bedtime stories,...
A Mutually Beneficial Relationship
I once read an article that asked, "Why do grandparents and their grandchildren get along so well?" The answer was "Common Enemy". I'm sure that the intent of this story...
A Mutually Beneficial Relationship
I once read an article that asked, "Why do grandparents and their grandchildren get along so well?" The answer was "Common Enemy". I'm sure that the intent of this story...
Reality Check
Recently I received an email from a friend and, rather than try to rewrite it, thought I would just print it exactly the way it was received. Bill Gates recently...
Reality Check
Recently I received an email from a friend and, rather than try to rewrite it, thought I would just print it exactly the way it was received. Bill Gates recently...
What Does "Informed Consent" Mean?
I recently heard the sad story of a woman who woke up from an investigative surgery to find to her horror that one of her breasts was missing. She had...
What Does "Informed Consent" Mean?
I recently heard the sad story of a woman who woke up from an investigative surgery to find to her horror that one of her breasts was missing. She had...
For You
When I completed my first university degree, a couple who had been family friends long before my birth gave me a framed reading. I still have it in my office...
For You
When I completed my first university degree, a couple who had been family friends long before my birth gave me a framed reading. I still have it in my office...
Legal Choices to Help with Communications
Collaboration, mediation, arbitration, litigation - they all sound so complex! Perhaps defining each would help to solve the mystery. The American Heritage dictionary states that collaboration is to work together, especially in a...
Legal Choices to Help with Communications
Collaboration, mediation, arbitration, litigation - they all sound so complex! Perhaps defining each would help to solve the mystery. The American Heritage dictionary states that collaboration is to work together, especially in a...
You Grow When You Volunteer
The organization called "Volunteering England" states: "We define volunteering as any activity that involves spending time, unpaid, doing something that aims to benefit the environment or someone (individuals or groups)...
You Grow When You Volunteer
The organization called "Volunteering England" states: "We define volunteering as any activity that involves spending time, unpaid, doing something that aims to benefit the environment or someone (individuals or groups)...
Adult Children
Lately I have been working with a number of individuals who referred themselves because they don't know how to deal with their adult children. Some are concerned about relationship problems...
Adult Children
Lately I have been working with a number of individuals who referred themselves because they don't know how to deal with their adult children. Some are concerned about relationship problems...
Getting Control Over Your Money
There is an old adage that states "Money makes the world go 'round" but sometimes it just keeps you at home. Problems with money can not only interfere with your...
Getting Control Over Your Money
There is an old adage that states "Money makes the world go 'round" but sometimes it just keeps you at home. Problems with money can not only interfere with your...
We All Have Troubles!
There once was a young boy whose mother died when he was nine years of age. His older brother had previously died in infancy. The boy and his sister were...
We All Have Troubles!
There once was a young boy whose mother died when he was nine years of age. His older brother had previously died in infancy. The boy and his sister were...
Listening to Your Own Self-Talk
I was sitting in the Cypress Club one day and noticed that my usually calm state was agitated. It took a few minutes to realize that the music coming from...
Listening to Your Own Self-Talk
I was sitting in the Cypress Club one day and noticed that my usually calm state was agitated. It took a few minutes to realize that the music coming from...
Living in the Moment - Serenity
Place your palms together tightly with your hands pointing in a vertical position. This is a universal symbol for prayer or spirituality. Pretend that between your palms is this very...
Living in the Moment - Serenity
Place your palms together tightly with your hands pointing in a vertical position. This is a universal symbol for prayer or spirituality. Pretend that between your palms is this very...
Memory - How it Works
Today I was with some wonderful people who are members of a bridge club. We were talking about memory and how it is so easy to forget things and how...
Memory - How it Works
Today I was with some wonderful people who are members of a bridge club. We were talking about memory and how it is so easy to forget things and how...
Sleep Problems Can Be Turned Into "Rock-a-Bye-B...
Don't think of elephants? What are you thinking about? Elephants, right? Frequently I hear clients who repeatedly state "I can't sleep". They don't realize that our brains tend to do...
Sleep Problems Can Be Turned Into "Rock-a-Bye-B...
Don't think of elephants? What are you thinking about? Elephants, right? Frequently I hear clients who repeatedly state "I can't sleep". They don't realize that our brains tend to do...
A Public or Private Matter?
I'm confused! Over the past few months there has been a great deal of controversy at both federal and provincial levels about the possibility of creating a two-tiered system of...
A Public or Private Matter?
I'm confused! Over the past few months there has been a great deal of controversy at both federal and provincial levels about the possibility of creating a two-tiered system of...
Judging Can Cause Problems
On February 27, 2006 Canada made history by publicly interviewing a candidate who had been nominated for the Supreme Court of Canada. In a television forum lasting more than 3...
Judging Can Cause Problems
On February 27, 2006 Canada made history by publicly interviewing a candidate who had been nominated for the Supreme Court of Canada. In a television forum lasting more than 3...
Recognizing We're All in This Together!
A couple of years ago I travelled to Jamaica. I'm not a typical tourist who sits on the beach with a Margarita. I loaded my luggage with supplies for this...
Recognizing We're All in This Together!
A couple of years ago I travelled to Jamaica. I'm not a typical tourist who sits on the beach with a Margarita. I loaded my luggage with supplies for this...
What is Your IQ?
In 1905 Alfred Binet, a psychologist, developed and published the first Intelligent Quotient (IQ) test in response to France becoming a country with education for all children. Before that the...
What is Your IQ?
In 1905 Alfred Binet, a psychologist, developed and published the first Intelligent Quotient (IQ) test in response to France becoming a country with education for all children. Before that the...